How Engage works
This guide is made for you to understand the basic functions and roles within the platform, and to understand the opportunities it provides.
Engage is a digital participant and patient engagement platform that enables clinical investigators, healthcare institutions, patient organizations, etc. to conduct multiple research projects, funnel patient cohorts for upcoming studies, follow-up and re-engage the participants, and manage their consent while upholding the data protection regulations and privacy requirements.

So how does it work?
1. Administrators can create projects, add multiple languages, data entry forms, create logic, and funnel participants to generate RWD for research, collect patient-reported outcomes, conduct population studies.
2. Administrators can then onboard the participants, track and manage consent documents and participation status of the patients through the administrative panel.
3. Patients/participants can connect with the administrators or organisation page by using a unique link, and see the available projects. Patients can read project details, consent documents and proceed to view available data entry forms in the project.
Participation is completely voluntary and the participant is able to revoke consent at any time.
Visit the page Use Cases for an insight into real-life application of the Longenesis products.
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