Style settings
Find out how to adjust style settings of your Engage activities.
Style settings for activities without authorisation

You can customise the appearance of activities that do not require registration in Engage by adjusting their design in the Style settings section, located within your organisation's Settings.

1. Primary Colour: Define the main colour for interactive elements, such as buttons, selected answers, active fields, and the progress bar.
2. Header Background Colour: Set the background colour for the header section of the activity.
3. Organization Name Colour: Choose the colour for your organisation's name as displayed in the activity's header.
4. Survey Title Colour: Customize the colour of the activity's title in the header.
5. Button Text Colour: Adjust the colour of the text within buttons, such as "Next" and "Complete".
6. Font Name: It is possible to specify the font, but please note that only those fonts that are free of charge can be applied.
7. Font URL: Add a link to an external font, enabling your activities to use a custom font family that matches your web application’s design.
8. Page Background Colour: Customize the colour of the page background.
9. Language Switcher Colour: Toggle between light and dark themes for the language selection field.

Once customized, these style settings will automatically apply to all unauthorized activities created under your organization's account.
If the Primary color is changed, it will be applied both to activities without authorisation and activities integrated with IFrames.

Read more about Integration style settings.
To explore further customisation options for the style settings of activities without registration, please contact the Longenesis Support team.

You can reach us at support@longenesis.com to discuss how the style settings should be adjusted.
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