Condition set examples
This guide will demonstrate how sets of Advanced conditions can be applied to different situations.
Example 1

Project Consent activity mandatory before unlocking further activities

Within this scenario it is possible to make the Project Consent activity the first available activity to the participants. It is possible to make it mandatory to complete before the first scheduled Survey activity or Survey 1 becomes available. Next, only after having completed the Survey 1, can the participants access the second scheduled Survey activity or Follow-up Survey. It follows, that the Conditions that are set for a specific activity function as the gateway that unlocks it.

Visit the page Example 1 for a step-by-step guide on how to create such Conditions setup.
Example 2

Follow up survey visible only if specific responses have been selected in the First Survey

Within this scenario it is possible to make the Follow-up survey available only if a specific combination of answers has been submitted with the Survey1 .

Visit the page Example 2 for a step-by-step guide on how to create such Condition set.
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